Monday, September 1, 2008

Along Came Ryan

A lot has happened since the last blog post. Not only the layout of this blog, or the name of the blog, but most importantly, Ryan Henry Bostwick has joined our family. He was born on August 25th at 8:25am and was 8lbs 5oz. Needless to say, more than one person has said we should play those numbers in the lottery! And even if we don't become millionaires from those numbers, we are richly blessed. Ryan is a joy, very laid back, and eats and sleeps like a champ. Jason seems to like his new baby brother, although at this point Ryan doesn't do much, and once he starts moving around and getting into Jason's toys, I'm sure that will change. My mom was super-Grandma this past week. She stayed the first couple nights I was in the hospital to help care for Jason, and then returned for Labor Day weekend and cleaned and straightened and played and cooked and everything in between. We could never repay her generosity and hard work these past few days! Thanks to her and Scott, Ryan has a nursery to eventually sleep in!

Thank you for all your prayers and love throughout our pregnancy and delivery of baby Ryan. They were felt and deeply appreciated. You can check out more pictures of baby Ryan and the rest of the Bostwick family at (or check out the slideshow in the sidebar!)


Mandi said...

Has anyone ever told you your baby looks like your husband!?!?! :)

Love you guys, hope your all getting into the swing on this new world (according to Jason and Ryan). And again let me reitterate that I stink at the guess the sex of the baby game.


Mandi said...

totally typo'd all over that last, morning coffee anyone!

Eleanor said...

welcome ryan! we can't wait to hear more about the adventures of the bostwick foursome!

Eleanor said...

OK...TIME FoR an update mommy! we need more photos. pronto