Thursday, November 6, 2008

4 years

honeymoon in st. martin

and two kids.

Not bad numbers!

Happy Anniversary Sweetie!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Some randomness

Jason was apparently sharing his toys with Ryan while Ryan slept:

Our future quarterback (these were at his cousin Alex's football game in Point Pleasant Beach) SG1L4195

He loved the bleachers~ running back and forth ~ SG1L4183

And just a random pic of Jason with his favorite truck, Scoop. (Or "Foop" as Jason says!) SG1L4210

Two months

I don't think these need captions:



We went to the pedi on Friday, and our little monkey now weighs 11 lbs 8oz and is 21 1/2" long. For those of you doing the math, that's 3 pounds and an inch in 2 months. Eating is not an issue :)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Captain Adorable

Really. Need anything else be said?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Tis the season for... PUMPKINS!

I have a few friends that also use this blogger and they all have their pumpkin pictures up, so I figured I should do the same! :) So, without further ado, our day at Atlantic Farms in Manasquan:
On the hayride to the pumpkin patch:

Sadly, the only picture of the 4 of us. Ever.

He may have a future in the shotput:

Although he tried, this was not the pumpkin we came home with:

This pumpkin was much easier to carry :)

I'm not sure how in the world we got him to stay still long enough AND look at the camera to take this picture:

Jason's conclusion when he saw this: BIG

And this was Ryan throughout the majority of the excursion. Tough life.

Happy Fall everyone!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The tradition continues...

As you may remember, my friend mandi took pictures of Jason every month with a calendar date. Well, even though Miss Mandi moved far away, she's helping to continue the calendar tradition for Ryan. Although the pictures will not be nearly as beautiful as hers, this is what a couple amateurs came up with!


and a picture of Jason, something that we can't always get these days...

Monday, September 29, 2008


Yeah. That's me. Slacker. I've been very negligent in updating this blog. So, here is a mini-recap of the last 4 weeks or so:
1. Ryan turned 1 month old on Thursday the 25th. Wow.
2. Ryan was, well, um, "snipped" on the 23rd. He recovered nicely, and really only had one bad night.
3. Both boys are doing fabulously with each other. Jason loves to "help" and has only shown minimal sign of jealousy. Ryan is beginning to react to Jason's voice, and started smiling when he hears him near.
4. Jason has begun a new thing where he HATES to have his picture taken. Therefore, there are no school pictures this year for Jason, however, Ryan actually smiled for the camera man at school!!
5. Today is Scott's birthday, so wish him a happy day!!

And of course, some pictures for you:

Monday, September 1, 2008

Along Came Ryan

A lot has happened since the last blog post. Not only the layout of this blog, or the name of the blog, but most importantly, Ryan Henry Bostwick has joined our family. He was born on August 25th at 8:25am and was 8lbs 5oz. Needless to say, more than one person has said we should play those numbers in the lottery! And even if we don't become millionaires from those numbers, we are richly blessed. Ryan is a joy, very laid back, and eats and sleeps like a champ. Jason seems to like his new baby brother, although at this point Ryan doesn't do much, and once he starts moving around and getting into Jason's toys, I'm sure that will change. My mom was super-Grandma this past week. She stayed the first couple nights I was in the hospital to help care for Jason, and then returned for Labor Day weekend and cleaned and straightened and played and cooked and everything in between. We could never repay her generosity and hard work these past few days! Thanks to her and Scott, Ryan has a nursery to eventually sleep in!

Thank you for all your prayers and love throughout our pregnancy and delivery of baby Ryan. They were felt and deeply appreciated. You can check out more pictures of baby Ryan and the rest of the Bostwick family at (or check out the slideshow in the sidebar!)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A family of 3.

For the last few months, Tuesday has been the day when Scott and I both had off work, and spent the day with Jason as a family. Today was no different. However, what made today such a special day was that it will be the last Tuesday we spend as a family of 3. Next Tuesday, we'll be a family of 4. It makes me so happy and sad at the same time. I've been overjoyed to be Jason's mama for the last 2 years, and it's hard to imagine my life with another child. I know that will all change once this lil baby enters the world, and I will love this baby as much as I love Jason. I look forward to meeting the little one that has been kicking me and moving around and loving when I drink a cold bottle of water, and hating when I drink lemonade. I pray that Jason will love his little brother or sister will look out for and protect him/her. I pray that Scott and I will be able to show this little one the Lord as well as we have been able to show Jason. I just pray that we can be the best parents we can be to both of our children.

And so, I leave you with photos of our day. We spent the afternoon at the Popcorn Park Zoo in Forked River/Waretown area. It was a beautiful day.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Camp Delanco and Jason's b'day, mainly b/c I'm a slacker :)

I'm so behind on blogs, so I figure I'd do two in one and totally overwhelm you with pictures! Last week we spent a week at Delanco Camp in the Pine Barrens of NJ. Which equals LOTS of sand and pine trees. Here are some pictures from the week. Jason had a fabulous time and loved the water. He also figured out how to climb out of his pack n play, which served as his crib. Good times.
We never actually went in the boat in the water, but he liked to climb in and out of them!
SG1L3427He loved the water, was like a drowned rat the whoe time we were in there! (and the water is not dirty, it's a cedar lake which is why it's brown!)SG1L3503 The camp was for 4th, 5th and 6th graders, however there were about 3 other boys there that were slightly older than Jason (3 and 5 y/o) they had so much fun with the trucks!! SG1L3512 And my friend Teadora and I did a lot of this :) SG1L3518

And now for b'day pics :)
On his actual b'day we took him to Allaire State Park where they have real steam locomotive, he's been on it before, but loves it more each time we go!
I had found this great book by Shutterfly, that superimposes his face throughout a Sesame Street book SG1L3635
We took him out to dinner that night to our fav child-friendly restaurant: Chevy's. He loves the salsa and chips there:
And although he screamed bloody murder when the waitstaff came over and sang (loudly) to him, he was happy with his ice cream after they left :)
His party was the next day and it was "Bob the Builder" theme. Wow, did that go over well!! And we will now NEVER have a shortage of construction trucks in this house.
Decked out in his construction gear
This is actually the same decorated cake as last year, but I added some construction vehicles to make it a little different. I love Costco cakes, but they are limited in their designs. SG1L3681
One of the best toys he got was this roller coaster thing from Step 2. It was a HUGE hit at the party with all the kids. Jason loved it so much that he wouldn't get off the little cart, notice my cousin Kelli lifting him and the cart completely off the ground. Apparently she carried it this way to the top of the coaster! SG1L3677 Here's the link to the roller coaster.
It was seriously a huge hit for Jason all the up to the 5 y/olds that were there!

And I think that's enough for now. I have more pics at our site (, check em' out! Thanks for looking!

Friday, July 25, 2008

2 Years Ago Today

Two years ago today, a beautiful creature drifted into my life. I'm so blessed to call Jason my son. He has brought joy, love, frustration, laughter, fear, and every other imaginable emotion into my soul. I can't even imagine my life without this precious baby boy (who is not so much a baby anymore!) I just love him dearly, and there are no other words to describe it!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Our Happy Independence Day!

We had such a great day yesterday. We went to Uncle Doug and Aunt Sue's house after naptime. They have a great pool, but lately, Jason has had this fear of water (except bathtime). When we were walking out to the pool, he kept saying, "No water! No water!" and holding on to dear life to me. However, our nephews, Alex and Christian were in the pool, and there are about 4 or 5 balls in and around the pool. So, within a half hour of "No water no water!", Jason and Daddy had their bathing suits on and Jason was splashing around with the boys! After dinner, we all headed over to the local lake and listened a fun little band called "The Party Dolls" and watched fireworks. I was afraid Jason wouldn't like them b/c he gets a little freaked at loud noises. However, he LOVED them! Here are some pics from the day :)

OK Dad, I'm not too sure about this:

But there are balls, so I'll even put my whole face in the water to get them!

I like this so much, I think I"ll spash Daddy!

Pinwheels and pretzels. What else is there to life?

He would take the pinwheel to all of us and let us blow on it to make it spin.

Ahh... bear, binky, pinwheel, and fireworks. NOW, my life is complete.

Oh yeah, and a glow necklace. This scene occurred about 10 minutes into the ride home. He was an exhausted little monkey!

Thanks for looking!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

A post not about Jason!

I got my hair cut today... and I wanted to show you my ever growing belly :) Enjoy!

A "before" picture and belly shot:

Another "before" picture (this is how much I love you guys, that I would show you a picture of me w/ my hair down like this)



And of course, after a drop of water hits it, it'll be curly again! But I'm really happy with it curly too, she cut a lot of length as well as thinned it out immensely. It's been a LONG time since I've been happy with a haircut :D

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Corny stuff

I know I'm terrible at keeping this updated. However, I had to share a picture of my cutie. This week he discovered corn on the cob. :)


Love to all!