Sunday, February 4, 2007

where do the days go?

This blogger thing is a lot harder to keep up than I thought! Here, another week has passed and I haven't hardly updated at all! This was a crazy little week... I'm a little sad that tomorrow already starts a new work week!

Jason is awesome as always, although his alter ego moved in this week, and along with that comes crying, whining, and screeches for unknown reasons. I sincerely hope it's teething, I'd hate to think he'd just scream for no reason! But we all have off weeks, and he's starting to come back around. We met the newest addition to Central Church in PPB last week. Baby Greta was adorable, and tiny, and asleep the whole time we were there. So as to not make her daddy mad, we will not refer to her as Jason's future girlfriend anymore, and just say that we are looking forward to many more play "meetings". Jason had a good time with all her toys that she hasn't quite figured out how to use yet! And mommy had a good time holding a newborn again!! Almost gets me thinking it's time for #2. But not yet! Just need to get a year under our belts at this parenting thing before we can think about #2!!

On Saturday, Jason attended his first McDonald's birthday party. It was a scene to behold. It was Bubba's 3rd birthday, and all the kids from his class were there. Yes, there were about 30 three-year-olds in a very tight space!!! (plus parents and other siblings!) And then Spider-Man showed up to Bubba's awe! Jason had his picture taken with Spidey, and didn't seem to mind at all!

On Greta's daddy's blog, in one of his first posts, he discussed how that now he was a dad, the Playland at McDonald's kind of skeeved him out with all the germs and nastiness that is the playland. Although Jason did not go on the playland toys, just being in the midst of the madness that was all around us, I wanted to go home and sanitize both of us!! I guess it's all part of this parenting thing, and how much more aware of germs you become. I sincerely hope this gets easier to deal with!!

Have a great week everyone!

1 comment:

Tyler said...

Lovin' the bloggin'! Keep up the good work. I really like the pic of J-man holding up the calendar page.
Yes, the germs thing is a real pain - literally. I have used so much Purell in the past three weeks my hands are on the verge of bleeding from dryness. Oh, the things we do for our children.
We'll have to set up another "play encounter" for the wee ones soon.