Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Some randomness

Jason was apparently sharing his toys with Ryan while Ryan slept:

Our future quarterback (these were at his cousin Alex's football game in Point Pleasant Beach) SG1L4195

He loved the bleachers~ running back and forth ~ SG1L4183

And just a random pic of Jason with his favorite truck, Scoop. (Or "Foop" as Jason says!) SG1L4210

Two months

I don't think these need captions:



We went to the pedi on Friday, and our little monkey now weighs 11 lbs 8oz and is 21 1/2" long. For those of you doing the math, that's 3 pounds and an inch in 2 months. Eating is not an issue :)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Captain Adorable

Really. Need anything else be said?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Tis the season for... PUMPKINS!

I have a few friends that also use this blogger and they all have their pumpkin pictures up, so I figured I should do the same! :) So, without further ado, our day at Atlantic Farms in Manasquan:
On the hayride to the pumpkin patch:

Sadly, the only picture of the 4 of us. Ever.

He may have a future in the shotput:

Although he tried, this was not the pumpkin we came home with:

This pumpkin was much easier to carry :)

I'm not sure how in the world we got him to stay still long enough AND look at the camera to take this picture:

Jason's conclusion when he saw this: BIG

And this was Ryan throughout the majority of the excursion. Tough life.

Happy Fall everyone!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The tradition continues...

As you may remember, my friend mandi took pictures of Jason every month with a calendar date. Well, even though Miss Mandi moved far away, she's helping to continue the calendar tradition for Ryan. Although the pictures will not be nearly as beautiful as hers, this is what a couple amateurs came up with!


and a picture of Jason, something that we can't always get these days...